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JQuery: How To Name Click Functions?

I have a script and I need to be able to name some of my anonymous click functions. For instance, here is some code: Document ready: $(function(){ $('#map').imagemap([ {t

Solution 1:

It sounds like you want to have the click functions use a named function which is callable from elsewhere in the code. If so just define the functions outside the jQuery ready function and use them by name in the click method.

function id1Click() { 

$(function() {

Solution 2:

Instead of using an anonymous function like in your example

$('#id3').click(function() {

you can define your function elsewhere and use that function


function myClickCallback{

Solution 3:

function id1_click() { ... }
function id2_click() { ... }
function id3_click() { ... }


        {top_x: 1,top_y: 2,bottom_x: 290,bottom_y:380,callback: id1_click },
        {top_x: 275,top_y: 2,bottom_x: 470,bottom_y:380,callback: id2_click },
        {top_x: 460,top_y: 2,bottom_x: 701,bottom_y:380,callback: id3_click }


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