Call Webpack Bundled Function/class From Console.log
Is it possible to access the exported modules(ES6->ES5 compiled) from web inspector console? They are bundled together using webpack I am trying to call Session.setSessionInLoca
Solution 1:
Add following code to some module in bundle:
require.ensure([], function () {
window.require = function (module) {
return require(module);
Use require from console:
In TypeScript we use:
(require as any).ensure([], () => {
window["require"] = module => require(module);
I'm currently instantiating/getting my services this way:
var contactsService= (new (require("./app").default)).contactsService;
Solution 2:
1) Open your devtools, the "Sources" panel.
2) open the webpack://
in the explorer tab, you'll see your original ES6 files thanks to sourcemaps.
You can setup break points, access variables ...
Solution 3:
If you don't want to add special code to your app. You can follow these steps:
- Place a breakpoint where you use the service/class that you later wish to debug
- In the console, save it on the window for example
window.myService = this.props.myService
- Use the saved reference on the window
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