JQuery - How To Get Browser Window To Scroll Horizontal When Div Is Clicked?
I have picture of an arrow in a div. This div is fixed in the bottom right corner of very wide page. How can I use jQuery to scroll the window right 600px each time the div is cli
Solution 1:
Try something like this:
var distance = 600;
$("div").click(function() {
$("html:not(:animated), body:not(:animated)").animate(
{scrollLeft: "+="+distance}, 400
jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/juXLu/2/
[edit] And here's detecting if you're at the end of the document http://jsfiddle.net/lukemartin/juXLu/5/
var distance = 600,
docWidth = $(document).width(),
// click handler
$("div").click(function() {
// animate
$("html:not(:animated), body:not(:animated)").animate(
// amount to scroll
{scrollLeft: "+=" + distance},
// scroll speed (ms)
// callback function
// check our scroll position
scrollPos = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft();
// if it equals the doc width, we're at the end
if(docWidth === scrollPos) {
$("div").text("End of the line");
Solution 2:
Use the jquery method scrollLeft
Something like that :)
Solution 3:
You could user the Scrollto plugin,
It is really easy to use, just use the documentation. Then you could create a placeholder to determine whether or not its to the end of the page. Just stick the placeholder at the very end, and calculate the distance.
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