How To Push/pop Arrays In Ember.js?
I can include an array in an Ember object, and display the contents using Handlebars. However, I can only replace the array contents using set(). How can I modify the array content
Solution 1:
For working with collections, Ember.js provides an Array wrapper class, Ember.Array / Ember.MutableArray
So, instead of using a plain array, use these:
// JS
App.obj = Ember.Object.create({
"things": Ember.A(["1", "2"])
App.obj.things.pushObject("3"); // pushObject notifies observers
// HTML + Handlebars
{{#with App.obj}}
{{#each things}}
Solution 2:
Use an instance of Ember.ArrayController,simply declaring an array with [] will also create array of Ember.ArrayController class.
If you want to add an Object at the end of Ember ArrayController you can use the addObject() method;
var data1={'id':1,'name':'over'};
var data2={'id':3,'name':'out'};
/* To Add Object to middle of array at given index simply use the native array splice method */
var data1={'id':2,'name':'and'}
return this.get('mutableArray')
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