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How To Check System's Time Format In Chrome - 12 Hours Or 24 Hours In JavaScript?

date.toLocaleTimeString does not work in chrome and always return time in 12 hours format. I need to display time on the basis of system's time format.

Solution 1:


var x = date() 

// Tue May 15 2012 05:45:40 GMT-0500

They already provide you the datetime with the timezone


To make your life easier, use this

Solution 2:

Short answer is No you can't get the default time format in the browser, because it relies on the System and on the browser settings, thought JavaScript doesn't have access for such options.

But if you want to manage the time format within your code, you can specify the format by which you wnat to show your Date.

Actually the toLocaleString() have a boolean hour12 option that tells the engine to use or not the 12 hours format:

console.log(date.toLocaleString('en-US', { hour12: false }));

If you set it to false it will display the time in 24 hours format.

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