GIFs Changing Randomly
Solution 1:
I would rewrite the Javascript like this:
window.onload = function () {
var images = [
element = document.images['wechsel'],
change_image = function () {
var image = images[ Math.floor( Math.random() * images.length ) ];
// (Math.random()*images.length)>>0 would be a lot faster
element.src = image.src;
setTimeout(change_image, image.delay);
setTimeout(change_image, 10000);
The delay
would change based on the image you currently have.
This has a few speed improvements and the code is as simple as it can get.
This was untested!
Here is a (slightly) changed version to change the text color:
window.onload = function () {
var colors = [
element = document.getElementById('span'),
change_color = function () {
var color = colors[ ( Math.random() * colors.length )>>0 ]; =;
setTimeout(change_color, color.delay);
setTimeout(change_color, 2000);
<span id="span" style="background:black;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;padding:10px;">I change color!</span>
Solution 2:
Well, first off, there are many considerations here.
You first need to understand that you can have a multi-dimensional array consisting of a series of objects, instead of plain strings (which is what you have now). I suggest you do some reading on this here: (take a look at Mozilla's Developer Network, or google for it).
Now, you cannot do that with an interval, because intervals happen at a preset, well, interval. You need a timeout - but timeouts happen only once.
You can see where this is going, right? So you need to call the timeout again once the previous timeout has finished - that goes to a concept of "callback" (google "javascript callbacks").
In any case, I've put up a very simple example for you in JSFiddle - it doesn't solve your problem 100%, because I think it would be cool if you'd put some thinking into how this all works, but this should get you at least something to work with (also on JSFiddle -
imab = [];
imab[0] = {
image: 'bilder/bild1.gif',
time: 1000
imab[1] = {
image: 'bilder/bild2.gif',
time: 500
imab[2] = {
image: 'bilder/bild3.gif',
time: 2500
imab[3] = {
image: 'bilder/bild4.gif',
time: 100
function BildWechselB() {
var num = Math.random();
var ran = Math.floor((imab.length - 1) * num);
return imab[ran];
var interval;
function callBack (imageSrc) {
var newRandomImage = BildWechselB();
interval = window.setTimeout(callBack, newRandomImage.time, newRandomImage.image)
function printImage (src) {
var imageSrc = document.createTextNode(src);
var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
var firstRandomImage = BildWechselB();
interval = window.setTimeout(callBack, firstRandomImage.time, firstRandomImage.image);
Hope it helps!
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