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Accessing Connected Vertices In OrientDB Javascript Functions

I'm attempting to use the build in Functions in OrientDB studio to group Workstations that aren't in use by a Person. The query to get these vertices works fine but I'm trying to a

Solution 1:

A simpler example to understand what you can do:

create class Person extends V    
create class IsNeighbour extends E

create vertex Person set name = 'P1'              // 12:0
create vertex Person set name = 'P2'              // 12:1
create vertex Person set name = 'P3'              // 12:2

create edge IsNeighbour from #12:0 to #12:1
create edge IsNeighbour from #12:0 to #12:2

Define this Javascript Function:

var gdb = orient.getGraphNoTx();
var v = gdb.command("sql", "select from " + personRID);
var neighbours = v[0].getRecord().field("out_IsNeighbour").iterator();
var result = [];

  var neighbour =;

return result;

like this: enter image description here

And then you can:

select getNeighbours("#12:0")

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